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Gradebook Data Export

Instructions on exporting gradebook data from a course.

Written by Rachel Gough
Updated over 12 months ago

To export Gradebook Data from a course,

  1. Navigate to the Gradebook page in the course

  2. Select the Export Gradebook link

  3. In the Gradebook Data dailog window, select the export option you would like.

    1. If selecting an option from the Grade Data Export, your export will begin.

    2. If selecting an option from the Individual Student Data, you will need to also select the student.

      1. After selecting one of the Individual Student Data option, a Select Student dialog window will appear.

      2. Select the student needed.

      3. Click the Use Selected button to begin the export.

The notification panel will open once the export has started providing you with a status on the export.


  • If you receive a Gradebook Export failed error, please reach out to K16 Solutions.

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